“Twelve Angry Jurors” at Players Theater Company

“Twelve Angry Jurors”
by Reginald Rose
Adapted by Sherman Sergel

This is the co-ed version of Twelve Angry Men

A nineteen year old male has just stood trial for the fatal stabbing of his father. It looks like an open-and-shut case until one of the jurors speaks up and gets the other to look more closely at the facts. As the case is discussed, each juror reveals something of his own character. Tempers get short and the jurors become twelve angry people.

Performed by Players Theater Company
At First Congregational Church of Park Ridge
Performances ran
Monday, October 11, 1993 thru Monday, October 11, 1993
Foreman.... Bill Haines
Guard.... Paul Shwed
Juror Eight.... Barbara Ann Shwed
Juror Eleven.... Joyce Friedlander
Juror Five.... Anne Giesemann
Juror Four.... Anne Connolly Has Bio Has photo
Juror Nine.... Frank McDonnell
Juror Seven.... Leandrea Besser
Juror Six.... Vito Dimichino
Juror Ten.... Rue Abdelhak
Juror Three.... Eva Goodman Has Bio Has photo
Juror Twelve.... Holly Kovalsky
Juror Two.... Danny Bowers
Voice Of The Judge.... John Shahdanian
Directed by Jerry Hurley
Costume Design by Rue Abdelhak
Lighting Design by Sandy Mortan Has Bio
Sound Design by Bill Kirby
Stage Managed by Stephanie Eisen
Set Designed by Sandy Mortan Has Bio